Conflict resolution
Curry On, London
16 July 2019
Breaking changes
Code Mesh, London
9 November 2018
Confident unit testing
Scotland JS, Edinburgh
19 July 2018
Breaking changes, Berlin
3 June 2018
Why recursion matters
RubyConf, Cincinnati
10 November 2016
Why recursion matters
Recurse Center, New York City
14 September 2015
Practical functional programming: pick two, Berlin
13 September 2014
Make: the forgotten build tool
Scotland JS, Edinburgh
10 May 2014
A language in 20 minutes
FutureJS, Barcelona
2 May 2014
Securing socket applications
The Realtime Conference, Lyon
23 April 2013
Breaking the big ball of mud
Future of Web Apps, Prague
29 November 2012
Do I need DI?
Eurucamp, Berlin
18 August 2012
Automating testing across the multi-platform web
Future of Web Design, London
16 May 2012
A brief history of WebSockets
London Ruby User Group
21 February 2012
All your browsers are belong to me, Berlin
2 October 2011
Primer: the cache that knows too much
Red Dirt RubyConf, Oklahoma City
21 April 2011
JS.Test: cross-platform JavaScript testing
London Ajax User Group
11 January 2011
Faye: an event-driven app
RubyConf, New Orleans
13 November 2010